Friday, July 6, 2012

Ayden has been complaining of pain in his jaw/neck and ear. And it's been a little swollen there too, so I took him to the doctor yesterday. He has an infection in the glands in his neck. Not much we can do right now other than put heat on it and give him an anti-biotic.
This is what he looked like Thursday morning:
only a little swollen on his right side
This is what he looks like today:
Poor guy! It's very painful. He can't move his neck and it hurts to chew or have any type of movement. And all he wanted this morning was his daddy. He's also very sad because he was supposed to be leaving to visit his grandparents in Wyoming, but with this infection that bad he can't go. Luckily, his little brother has been his pal and they play the Wii and hang out.


  1. Poor Ayden! He looks so sad. Hopefully, it won't last long.

  2. oh, I feel for you, Ayden....You'll feel so much better when you're not sick anymore!
