Wednesday, February 15, 2012


My sister was going through her text inbox on her phone and found some funny ones I had sent her about Ellie. They make me laugh even now!

Jan 24, 2011: 
Ellie and Spencer are waiting at Tunex and 
Spencer: Your mom will kill me for taking you out in public with your hair a  mess.
Ellie: No....I don't even think she has a gun.

June 7 2011: Randomly during lunch Ellie said to me "Mom, I've been waiting for a year to be a mom."

Jun 18, 2011: Ellie is drawing a picture of Spencer and says "I don't know how to draw humans so I draw Mr. Potatoe Heads. Maybe someday I'll learn"

Tate has been adding words to his vocabulary so fast these past few weeks. It's so fun to see his language skills come together. Some of our favorites are:
Goss....gross (which almost everything he doesn't want to do is gross)
Noot Nats.....fruit snacks
MEAN....(this one he uses when he wants to tattle on what the siblings did or wouldn't let him do)
other words sound a lot alike:
Juice and Shoes (if you're not in the right situation, it's hard to tell which one he is saying)
There a few phrases that would just be too hard to try and figure out how to type phonetically how he says them:
"why did you do that?" (this is a question he asks his older siblings a lot)
"like that" (he will say this for just about everything he wants to re-tell you: if he fell, bonked his head, threw a car, injustices from siblings, etc)

Ayden is getting so grown up and sometimes it's hard to remember that he's still 7. But just the other night I was reminded of how young and innocent he still is. He was talking about his dream of being a football player. "Mom, when I get older I want to play in the NFL. But I better play college football first, probably at BYU. After that I can be drafted."
And just the other night we had a good laugh as he was writing out Valentine's cards to his class mates. For each one, he wrote a little note to them like: you're a good friend, you are a fast runner, you're funny. Then I noticed on one girl's he had written "you're weird". Spencer and I tried (unsuccessfully) to hide the giggles and we told him that he probably shouldn't write that on her card. And he goes "well she is." We explained that it may not make her feel good and he should think of something else to write. So he came up with "you're crazy!" Hopefully, he'll gain a little more tact as he grows up.

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