It has become a tradition that my dad makes the grand kids piggy banks. When we were kids, he made them for each of us. Each year we love to see what new bank Papa will come up with. This year Tate and Ellie received their banks. And they are awesome.
My dad made Tate the BYU helmet and Spencer loves it more. He requested that my dad make one for his office, to which my dad said "yes, but only if it has a red U." The chin strap is made out of leather (another of my father's talents) and has Tate's name engraved/stamped on it. This is a perfect bank for my house of BYU loving boys.
Ellie's is, of course, girly. And she LOVES it. She was so excited when she opened it. The handle is made from twisted metal (yet another of my father's: metal work) and the flap has her name on it. She loved "that Nana let Papa use these pretty jewels for my purse."
Thank you, Dad, for creating these beautiful banks that my children will use and love for years. I'm pretty sure they will become keepsakes for them just as mine has.
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